POSTED BY Andre Gamble on 10:07 PM under

Gaming is my passion. Since the age of four I’ve grown up knowing the joy of picking up a controller and saving the princess, or throwing a fireball. I’ve gotten to the point where I would like to share my love of gaming with others who are more like me on the outside. Of course I’m referring to people of the African American race, but all my attempts have been met with the usual taunts and ridiculing.

African American look down on “hardcore” gamers. Old ideas die slow in the African American community, so my people still think of gamers as unhealthily, lonely souls. So I don't find a lot of people to talk to about gaming around where I live. Most blacks that own a console have the same five games, and they all swear that they are amazing at it. They all think that can kick your ass no matter what you have to say. You may think my peers are bad, but my parents are even worse.My mother and grandmother think playing video games are for children. I can’t even count all the times my mother has taken away my consoles not because I may have failed a class or got in trouble somehow, but just because she thinks I play them too much. It’s really soul crushing when your parents don’t allow you to take part in the hobby you have chosen for yourself.

After realizing that no one gives a damn about gaming where I come from I’m left to talk among the few people I’ve met on the Internet who actually have some knowledge on the topic. Of course on the Internet it doesn’t matter what color skin you have as long as you’re not a total noob.