POSTED BY Andre Gamble on 8:11 AM under
I'm a lucky guy, I've been lucky enough to own any video game console I've wanted. Even when my parents complained about my video game habits they still surprised me on birthdays and Christmas with a new video game entertainment console. Even though I've own most consoles to come out in the past 15 years, I've always have been with a Sega guy so you can guess how I felt that day Peter Moore spoke those words that will shape my whole gaming career.

The Internet has change life in a big way, no only the way we gather information, but the way we gamers argue with one another. If you ever visit a gaming forum (I suggest you don't if you never have) then you will see the the gaming culture at it's lowest point. At anytime a Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo forum war can start from the simplest post. Check out these samples for an example.

"With Resistance 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 coming out this year, it's going to be a great time to be a Playstation 3 owner."

"HA, you call that a great year!!! Microsoft will wipe the floor with Sony this year. Gears 2, Banjo, Halo Wars. You Sony fanboys don't stand a chance!!!"

"I'll let you guys fight as the Wii rules the charts for most consoles sold. Nintendo FTW!!!!"

For the young guys and gals this is normal, but for the last of the 80's babies this is something completely new. Our console wars were at the lunchroom tables. The only thing we where equip with were our favorite video game magazine. Our arguments got heated, but at the end of the day we were still friends, the Nintendo fanboys still came over to play some Genesis, and I still came over to play some SNES.

So in the end maybe this has changed for the better. Maybe having the fanboys fighting one another makes games better for everyone else. As long as the fanboys feud with each other the console makers will try to make the best console and get the hottest games for those consoles.
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