POSTED BY Andre Gamble on 6:35 PM under
Back when I was a Sega kid mostly everyone agreed video games were for kids. If you were over the age of 13 and still played games you were a hopeless nerd who lived in your parents basement. Now in 2008 gaming has gone more mainstream even if most "hardcore" gamers don't want it to.

If you read the title of my blog you might think I one those people, and I am sort of. I do want to live in a world were gaming is apart of everyday life. I want fathers to come home from work and play a quick game of COD4. I want moms in between taking the kids to soccer practice and shoe shopping to ownnoobs in Halo, but will that ever really happen?

Casual has become a new word in the gaming vocabulary. Seeing as how the Nintendo 64 and the Gamecube where failures with the hardcore, Nintendo has decided to tap the casual gaming audience, and it's working. The Wii is the top selling console; the PS3, and Xbox 360 are struggling to keep up. In this lays the problem people are starting to believe that Nintendo has forgotten the hardcore. Now that Sony and Microsoft are trying to stay toe to toe with Nintendo people are also jumping to the conclusion that Sony and Microsoft are also distancing themselves from the hardcore in order to tap into the causal goldmines.

Now where does this all lead, break away controllers, Micro-Miis, Ninjabread Man 2? Dear god no, it just leads to a better gaming. Just remember next time you want to buy the next gen consoles, your mother is more likely to buy a console that can play Bejeweled 3 then Murder Simulation X.
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